Blog: tech gift

Top Holiday Tech Gifts for your 2023 Redemption Stores

It’s August, and you might be thinking, “Whew, time to relax a little. Tech tradeshows are over.” Nope! Just because you missed Christmas in July doesn’t mean you can slow down for the holidays. In fact, it’s time to get off the couch, crack your knuckles, and start pitching holiday redemption stores to your savvy clients.

After spending eight months presenting, ordering, and tracking every possible trending gift, giveaway, conference piece, and more, your job isn’t done. And before you tell me that your brain hurts from the numerous “holiday gift guides” from every supplier in the industry, it’s time to pull out all the stops to wow your customers with something they’ve never seen before. Maybe even something you’ve never seen before.

What are the trending categories for holiday tech gifts?

We all know our techies love statistics and numbers. So, let’s start with the categories that are trending right now in tech gifts. Don’t worry, your suppliers will hand this information over to you on a silver platter and say, “Please…sell from the top 100 list. These items are working.” Below, you’ll see that totes and coolers are leading the race.

Trending tech gifts for 2023

What does this mean? No, not another conference tote. Save that for January. This means showing them items in these categories that will truly capture your techie trendsetter’s attention.

Trendsetting holiday tech gifts for redemption stores.

Now, how unhelpful would it be if I didn’t suggest the perfect items? I guarantee that if you take these items, put them on a FREE demo store, and show them to your clients, you’ll get the interest you are looking for!

Timbuk2 x League of Legends Totepack

Timbuk2 x League of Legends Totepack

If you aren’t bringing up this brand in your client meetings, you aren’t providing them with the quality they are looking for. Offer them an option that says, “Thank you for carrying your work computer around with you everywhere” in style!

Asobu Coldbrew Insulated Portable Brewer

Asobu® Coldbrew Insulated Portable Brewer

If I hear the “S” word one more time right now, you know what I’m talking about. Stanl…no, I need a break. Don’t quote me, but I bet one out of every 10 people has one. What do most trendy people want? They want whatever they’re doing to take time and involve multiple pieces. Who wouldn’t want to say, “Oh, I had my premium coffee in my hotel this morning via my portable brewer. I can go make you a cup” while discussing how the complimentary hotel coffee isn’t enough?

Rocketbook Core Director Notebook Bundle Set

Rocketbook Core Director Notebook Bundle Set

We know it seems a little counterintuitive, but one of the most popular gifts for tech companies is about as ‘analog’ as it gets: the Rocketbook. And let’s not forget that sustainability is on everyone’s minds. There’s not a company in the world right now that isn’t putting together a sustainable task force. What better way to meet our industry’s needs than a reusable, sustainable, tech-inspired journal?

Stay tuned for our holiday gifting trends series. Next up, another notoriously tricky industry for gifting: Healthcare! Until next time, happy selling!

Can’t wait to find out more? Reach out to us today to help kickstart your holiday sales goals. New to holiday redemption stores? Check out our ABCs of Redemption Stores to learn the ropes!