Learn how to improve your ranking!

A free eBook on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for promotional products.

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An easy-to-understand plan for building better rankings

If you run a promotional products/wearables e-commerce site or plan on launching one, this book is for you. In plain language, we explain how to optimize your site and build content to increase your online sales.


Getting it Right On-Site

How to build or fix your own site: product mix, categories, keywords and more.


Creating Great Content

A comprehensive content-building strategy to improve ranking and relevance.


Grabbing the Tail

Using long-tail and cross-selling to grab more clicks and compete against the big players.

About the Author

“With 14 years of experience in promotional products and 7 years of teaching courses on search engine optimization, I have a keen understanding of the challenges facing e-commerce companies in this industry. This book distills years of experience into simple language that anyone can understand.”

Brent Buford

CEO, eBlox