Blog: Launches

Order Snapshot and Approval Thresholds

We’ll keep this one brief: We’ve just added a groovy order overview to your dashboard when you log in to manage your company store. Whether your store is high-volume or just gets a few orders per week, we think you’ll love this feature.

storeBlox CS Order Snapshot dashboard The new Order Snapshot shows you the ten most recent orders in your store. Now you don’t need to dig into Order Management to get a quick overview of your most recent orders. You can see order amounts, names and emails at a glance.

If you’re ready to take action on an order, just click “Go to Order Management” and you’ll be taken directly to manage your orders.

Approval Threshold

Also live this week in your store is a new approval feature: Approval Threshold. storeBlox CS has always had some of the most powerful order approval and routing features in the industry, including the ability to route individuals or groups to specific approvers and even trigger approvals by payment methods.

storeBlox CS Company Store approval threshold

Approval Threshold expands on this by enabling you to set a dollar value to require approval. Anything below the threshold will be processed as normal, but orders that exceed the threshold will be routed to an approver. That way small purchases can proceed without approval delay, but big orders will be routed for review.

You can set different threshold amounts for different payment methods (other than credit cards, which never require approval). Approval Threshold is live in your store today in the Payments tab.

Categories: Launches

Summer 2017 Upgrades: Login As, Checkout Improvements

Do you ever need to access your customer’s account on your company store? If it sounds unlikely, you might be surprised at how often we get requests to be able to log in to a customer’s account. Maybe you need to place an order for them that they gave you over the phone. Maybe they’re having a problem with the store that you can’t reproduce.

The problem with logging in to your client’s account is security – how do you do it without getting their password and compromising their security? Sure, they may be fine with giving it to you, but they should change it afterward, and many will forget. That leaves you with sensitive information that, truth be told, you’d be better off without.

Log in As screen shot in company store

That’s why we’ve now added a “Login As” feature to your storeBlox CS administrative dashboard. Just find the user and click the “Login As” button. You’ll get a popup window with one-time access to their account on the front end of the store. If you need to check out how they see the site, place an order for them, redeem points, or anything else, you can do it now.

Close the window and you’re done; it’s locked back down. You never need their password or any private information. This feature is available in your store today!

Eliminating unwanted clicks in checkout

We’re always on the lookout for ways to make the process of ordering as bulletproof as possible. One thing we’ve found over the years is that visitors can find all sorts of unexpected ways to interrupt the checkout process. This is never a good thing, since this is where you make your money.

Today, we’ve given the purchase page in your checkout a Kevlar vest of sorts – once a visitor clicks the payment button, we not only prevent additional clicks until the processing is complete, but we disable everything else on the page too. This helps prevent cart errors and reduces abandonment during checkout.

This isn’t the end of our summer update, though. Next month we’ve got some big features coming out. in the meantime, if you need anything, just give us a shout!

Categories: Launches

Enhanced company store product filtering

storeBlox Company Store Price and Color Filtering Sometimes your customer may be looking for something specific – not just a polo, but a blue polo. Or a polo that fits within a specific budget. They can now do all that and more with new color and price filtering enhancements to storeBlox CS.

Now your customers can narrow down their choices in any listing  by product color and/or specific budget. Hunting around for a Turquoise t-shirt and tired of clicking on every item in apparel to find it? Color filtering shows the colors available for the list of products currently being viewed. Now it’s crazy easyto find the item in the color you want.

Price filtering lets customers set their price ranges to the penny, and they can combine them with color filtering to find that special item that satisfies their Goldilocks needs!

Plus: Shopping Cart Conversion Tracking

If you use Google’s Adwords or other ad networks to drive customers to your company store, you can now track all the details of purchase conversion. This enables true ROI (return on investment) tracking of your advertising efforts, by transmitting the order amount back to the ad network:

storeBlox Company Store Adwords tracking code

The new feature includes a variable that can be inserted in any snippet of conversion tracking code, so this can be used with any ad network or analytics tool that tracks shopping cart conversions. It’s easy to put your ad network’s tracking code into the dashboard, but if you need help, just call us!

Under the Hood Improvements

Web sites aren’t perfect, and occasionally they produce errors. In an effort to make the company store experience more robust, we’ve introduced a new automated, detailed error reporting system into storeBlox CS for 2017 that will allow us to track down those pesky problems and squash them even faster than before.

All these features are in your store, right now! Need help or a tutorial? Give us a shout today!

Categories: Launches