Product Data Information for Suppliers

eBlox provides a highly configurable, multi-dimensional data model as part of the storeBlox system. As more and more distributors launch sites on the eBlox platform, suppliers who wish to have their products showcased in the e-commerce sites of these content-rich, optimized sites may wish to provide data to eBlox in our preferred format or enter the data manually to take advantage of our advanced model.

Incorporating your data into storeBlox can be accomplished using the following methods:

XML Format

This is the preferred format for imports. For best results, data should be provided according to the schema listed below. This may require mapping on your part. XML in other schemas or Microsoft Excel-generated XML cannot be imported directly and will require mapping on our part.

Right-click to download.

Excel or CSV Format

For product catalogs without complex pricing or configuration options, a standard delimited file format may be acceptable. We accept Microsoft Excel files and comma (CSV) or tab-delimited files.

If you wish to provide your data in this format, please contact Steve Gibbs at 512-867-1001, extension 102, or to arrange a review of your data.

At minimum we will need the following data fields in order to import products into the storeBlox system:

  • Product name
  • Product number / identifier
  • Product description
  • Product category (we can take subcategory if available)
  • At least one quantity break and corresponding price
  • Product image

Product images: we need at least one image per product, ideally 800 x 800, gif, jpg or png. We can resize the image dynamically to create all other needed sizes. You can provide the image information in two ways:

  • A full URL to the image on your own website
  • An image name and a corresponding archive of images that we can pull the file from

Manual Entry

If neither export option is technically feasible for you, you may enter the data manually via our web-based catalog management system, webBlox. webBlox enables you to create complex product configurations and enter ancillary charges such as setups, run charges, packaging, etc. webBlox also enables true three-dimensional pricing and availability for products such as wearables.

If you wish to enter your information manually or have questions about the data formats listed above, please contact us at 512-867-1001, extension 102, or email