Do your customers have holiday gift programs, safety programs or other giveaways that need to process an order quickly without credit cards? Say hello to the One-Page Store. It’s perfect for:

  • Corporate gift redemption – “Choose your free gift”
  • High-volume ordering – Handle tens of thousands of orders quickly
  • Seasonal reward or gift programs – Holiday gifts, event giveaways
  • Anything where a checkout with credit cards is not needed

Built to handle promotions small and large (10,000 users in a few hours? No problem!), the One-Page Store is the fastest way to handle redeeming gifts and giveaways. Users choose colors, sizes or other options then enter their shipping info. One button and they’re done! It’s about as low-friction as you can get.

Ready to learn more? Just fill out the form and we’ll contact you quickly!

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