Company Stores 101: Customizing Email Templates
Many storeBlox CS store owners don’t realize that each email that your store sends out – registrations, order notifications, requests and so on – is completely customizable, right in the dashboard. Don’t like the ones that come with your store? Toss them out and make your own!
Not only is each email completely customizable with our WYSIWYG editor (so you can format, add colors, tables, graphics, etc.), but we’ve also provided you with some dynamic fields that fill in automatically with information from the store, order or account. These fields are available for both the subject line of the email and the body of the email itself.
This provides a wide range of possibilities for customized messages, offers, loyalty marketing and more. Some examples:
Registration offers: Want more users to register for your site (so you can add them to your email marketing, for instance)? Create an incentive for registration, like a discount code. Add this code to the **User Registration** email and you’ve got a custom offer (using their name, of course!) for every user

Return Actions: One of the biggest challenges with online stores is encouraging repeat visits. The first order is great, but you really want to gain long-term, repeat customers whenever possible. By adding personalized messages to the Customer Confirmation email to encourage specific actions, you can create a “curiosity gap” that brings customers back after their order:

Encourage Feedback: One of the most difficult things to obtain from your company store customers is constructive feedback about your products and services. Most of us hate filling out surveys (unless we’re really mad about something), but the best time to get feedback from someone is when they’re directly interacting with you or immediately afterward. By adding a survey link to your Shipment Confirmation email, you can catch customers when they are most likely to be paying attention – when they get that shipment notification

These are just a few uses of email customization. It’s a nifty feature that everyone should use — after all, these are emails that customers are more likely to pay attention to. Take advantage of it!