Payment Methods
Your storeBlox CS company store includes a variety of payment methods, from credit cards to budgets to points. Learn how to set them up and manage them.
Your storeBlox CS company store includes a variety of payment methods, from credit cards to budgets to points. Learn how to set them up and manage them.
Points programs use alternative currencies to enable users to build up balances over time and redeem gifts and rewards. Learn how they work and how to set them up.
Points programs use alternative currencies to enable users to build up balances over time and redeem gifts and rewards. Learn how they work and how to set them up.
Learn how to manage the design and content on your storeBlox CS company store home page, including banners and rotating sections such as New and Featured products.
Learn how to set up and manage non-apparel products like promotional items, incentive and gift items, and other products that don’t require color and size configuration.
Learn how to set up and manage apparel products, including product colors, sizes, price grids, inventory and more.
Create and manage information pages and custom landing pages on your storeBlox CS company store.
Your storeBlox CS company store includes robust tools for controlling order approval and rejection by managers or other designated approvers.
Learn how to manage users, groups, roles, access and other customer features in your storeBlox CS company store.
Order History is your one-stop location for reviewing orders, managing order status and other updates to orders.