Blog: storeBlox CS

Keyword-optimized URLs for storeBlox CS product pages

SEO (search engine optimization) is the practice of building a site so that it ranks well in search results. While this is often not a high priority for company stores – they frequently have limited, focused audiences – we like to deliver the best possbile technology for our customers. Therefore, we’ve implemented a new feature to automatically create keyword-optimized URLs for your storeBlox CS company store.

The standard (old) product URL for storeBlox CS looks like this:

New URLS now include keywords generated automatically from the product’s actual name:

Don’t worry – all your old URLs will still work. The new URLs work alongside the old ones, but your site will immediately benefit from the new URLs every time a new page is generated by storeBlox CS.

Simple Configuration for storeBlox CS Products

Zero configuration graphic

Don't need configurations for simple products? Now you don't have to build them.

While storeBlox CS has unrivaled support for the complex product configurations that company stores often need – such as apparel colors and sizes – sometimes you need to set up a very simple product; say, a mug with one color and no options. We’ve made that much easier with simplified product configuration.

Instead of requiring the configuration of a single color, now when you create a product, we create a default configuration for you, eliminating an entire step in the process on simple products. That mug that took you two minutes to set up will now only take one. It’s a subtle improvement, to be sure, but one that we think will make a big difference in the time required to set up products in your company store.

Simple product configuration is now available on all stores. It’s backward-compatible with existing products, so you don’t have to make any changes to your current products to support it. Existing products with single configurations will remain that way, and new products with single configurations will have that configuration created automatically for you when you initially build the product – you never need to touch the Configurations tab for those products again.


Budget/Points Widget for storeBlox CS

Budget/Points Widget screen shot

View all available budgets and points with our new company store widget

Now, logged-in visitors can monitor the balances on multiple budgets in a simple, persistent widget available in the lefthand navigation bar on your company store. In addition, if your store has a points-based payment system enabled, customers may also view their points balance at any time. Every store-based payment method is now available at a glance. This feature is available in every Pro-level store – just enable it in webBlox.