New storeBlox CS Feature: Global Approvers

Let’s say you want to require approvals for certain payment methods in your company store – for instance, when a buyer wants to use a purchase order instead of a credit card – but the user account isn’t already in place. Previously, the only way you could enforce approvals on payment methods was to set up the buyers and assign approvers to them.

Global Approver Feature for storeBlox CS

Global Approvers can approve any user for specific payment methods

No more. Now with storeBlox CS, you can make any payment method require approval for any user at all – no need to set up user accounts and approvers. If you need specific users and assigned approvers – say, Jenny in Sales needs all her purchases against a marketing budget approved – you’ll still want to use the standard method. But if you just want to make sure that anyone who comes to the store and wants to use a purhcase order goes through an approval process, then this new feature is for you!